5th February 2009
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Miss Camp and Miss Baker are starting up a Running Club on Thursdays after school. There are 10 places to start with and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
If your child is interested in joining this club, they will need to bring appropriate clothing ( tracksuits, trainers) and have your permission to be off the school site ( Parsloes Park) for some of these sessions.
The first session to be Thursday 26th February from 3.20 to 4.00pm.
Please return the slip below by Wednesday 10th February, so we can let you know if your child has a place before half term.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Lipski
Head Teacher
Years 3 & 4 Running Club
I would like my child to attend the Years 3 & 4 Running Club.
Please tick one:-
I agree to pick my child up at 4pm every Thursday
I give permission for my child to run in Parsloes Park
I understand that the club will start Thursday 26th February 2009.
Childs name ………………………………….. Class……… Parent Signature ……………………………….