November 2014
Dear parents
I am writing to
inform you that Parents Evening will be held on Thursday 27th November from 3.30pm to 7pm.
Appointments will
be on a first come first served basis. Teachers are allowing ten minutes per
appointment, so please ensure you arrive on time.
Please note that
parents who attend termly review meetings with the Class Teacher, are not
required to make an appointment but you are welcome to come and look through
your child’s work so far this year.
We look forward
to seeing you.
Yours sincerely
Mrs A. Lipski
Head Teacher
It will be convenient for me/us to attend the Termly Reporting to Parents evening on this day at this time.
tick the appropriate box)
to 5.00pm ¨ 5.00pm to 6.00pm ¨ 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. ¨
Name…………………………………………(please print) Class:
of any other siblings and their class:…………………….