9th January
Dear parents,
Welcome back and hope you all had
a restful holiday and survived the stormy weather!
Our new receptionist Miss
Greaves, who has taken over from Mrs. Dumbrill, started with us this week. So could you please remember the
- Our school office is manned from 8am and not before,
- Any items your child has forgotten should be brought up before 10am
- Open to general queries from 3pm ie the end of the school day.
All children should wear the
correct school uniform, a copy of this is attached to this letter.
Please LABEL all items of
uniform, so if found can be returned to the correct child. There are many
useful websites that can provide iron on labels for uniform, which are very
reasonable. For example www.wovenlabelsuk/com; www.gbnametapes.co.uk or mark clearly with permanent pen. This
includes coats, hats etc. We fully appreciate how frustrating it can be when
your child loses some of the uniform and I know my staff spend a lot of time
trying to find these for you, so it would help enormously if the uniform and
all their belongings were labelled in the first
For P.E. lessons your
children will be going outside weather permitting so for these winter months
please bring in a dark pair of
jogging bottoms for them to wear. Please put their name on them and they can be
kept in their P.E. bag along
with the rest of their kit. They will wear their white T-shirt and we do have
Parsloes Primary PE jumpers for them to wear over the top so no other extra
items are necessary.
Please ensure that your
child has the correct P.E kit and that earrings are out for the P.E days if
your child cannot get them out
themselves. If your child is well enough to attend school then they are
expected to do P.E.
It has been our school policy for
many years that children should only bring in either cereal bars or fruit for snack time. Infant children are
provided with a piece of fruit daily and junior pupils can buy a cereal bar
from the tuck shop.
Also pack lunches should not
include fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars.
Tuesday 14th
January Year 5
day 2 visit to Valence House
Friday 14th
February Last
day of half term
Monday 24th
February First day
of second half term
Thursday 27th
February Parents
evening ( more details to follow)
Friday 28th
February French
Week beginning 3rd
March Theme Week: Books
& Story Telling
Thursday 3rd
April Annual
Walk about after school ( more details to follow)
Friday 4th
April Last
day of the Spring Term
Thank you for your co-operation
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A.
Head Teacher
uniform has been compulsory since September 1998
are regular uniform checks carried out in school.Children
not wearing the school uniform will be sent to the school office to change.
uniform, including the P.E. Kit (excluding plimsolls) can be purchased from our
uniform shop whichis
Premier Schoolwear, 688-690
Becontree Avenue , Dagenham.
information regarding price list and where the shop is situated can be obtained
from the school office.
compulsory uniform
Grey tailored
trousers Grey
pleated skirt or Grey tailored trousers
Red or white school polo shirt (with Parsloes
motif) Red
or white school polo shirt ( with Parsloes motif)
Red or grey school sweatshirt( with Parsloes
motif) Red
or grey school sweatshirt ( with Parsloes motif)
Plain grey or white socks Grey or red or black
Black, red, white
or grey footwear Black,
red, white or grey footwear (flat heels with a back)
The only cardigan that can be worn is the school’s red
sweatshirt cardigan with the Parsloes motif.
This cardigan can also be worn throughout the year.
All polo shirts and sweat shirts must have the Parsloes Primary School motif. All shoes should have a back and should be
flat heeled.
All pupils should have only a Parsloes Primary School book bag or ruck sack.
only jewellery pupils may wear are studs in pierced ears. These need to be
removed for all PE lessons. Watches may only be worn if pupils know how to tell
the time. Pupils will be asked to remove all other jewellery. Pupils wearing
nail varnish or make up will be asked to remove it.