Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

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School Developments

26th April 2013

Dear parents,

I would like to give you a brief summary of the main developments that we have been focusing on so far this year.
Promoting Reading for Pleasure,
Improving pupils’ rate of progress in  Writing and Mathematics
Review of behaviour systems
Provision for Special Educational Needs
Playground provision


We have held theme weeks, such as our Michael Rosen week and Book Mash up week. We have invested in new resources such as Bug Club membership for all pupils, new books for reading areas and reading awards. Pupils achievement in reading in all year groups has improved.


With new emphasis on teaching grammar in schools, as there is now a grammar, spelling and punctuation test for year six pupils, we have ensured all teachers have received appropriate training in this area. This was held at the end of last term.
We have now established a more consistent whole school approach to marking pupils writing and intend to focus on devising a similar approach for marking mathematics work.
Improved systems for tracking pupils progress in writing, which will mean we will be able to provide parents with more information on your child’s rate of progress over this year and not just the level they have achieved. This will be in their end of year reports.

This term the focus will be on progress in Maths and how we can ensure pupils make good progress in acquiring and applying numeracy skills. There will be further information on these areas in the coming term, so please watch out for these and there will be workshops for parents too.


Your child may have already mentioned to you our new system ‘ Stay on Green’, which we started at  the start of this term. Rewarding the behaviour we expect is encouraging more pupils to follow our code of conduct. Equally as every child will start every day on Green, in spite of any problems the day before, children start afresh each day.
This is teaching pupils to accept sanctions there and then and learn from them, as each day they get to start again.


As our school population is increasing, so too are the wide range of needs pupils are entering our school with. With limited provision locally for pupils with complex needs, we are developing the expertise among staff and have started creating an additional resource base, where pupils whose needs can not be easily met in class can be supported better. This is still in the early stages and will be continuing into next academic year.


You will have noticed we have started to improve the playground in the infants, chalk boards and widening of the path through the grass area. We have more plans that had to be put on hold due to the awful weather we have had this year. These will now start again. We plan to astro-turf the grass area in the infant playground, which makes it more usable during all weathers. We have also gathered pupils’ views on play equipment and resources they would like to have in their playgrounds. We have now asked different companies to quote for these and hope for these to happen over the Summer Holidays.
I have also attached key dates for the rest of this term and the academic calendar for next academic year.

If you have any questions on any of the above, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff or myself.
Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher