Monday 21st November 2011
Dear Parents and Carers Christmas Bazaar Thursday 1st December 2011 3.30 – 4.45
Christmas Raffle:
There will be a Christmas Raffle with a first prize of a delicious Christmas Hamper, other prizes are Nerf gun, Pictureka, Aqua beads, Croquet set and a lot more. Tickets are priced at £1 a strip. They will be available to buy at the Christmas Bazaar.
There will be stalls where you can buy some Christmas goodies, hook the duck, name the bear, a white elephant stall (any donations of toys or household goods in good condition). Please hand these into the main office.
Lucky Bag Stall:
One stall will be a lucky bag stall, where every child will be given a bag to decorate (attached to this letter) and fill up with sweets, pencils, hair clips, small toys etc so other children can win them. There will be a small prize for the best decorated bag in each class. So be sure your child’s name and class is clearly on it.
Cake Stall:
If you could donate a box of cakes or even some homemade ones that would be appreciated. Please hand in the handmade cakes on the morning of the Christmas Bazaar to the office.
Poster Competition:
This year we are running a poster competition, 20p entry. The poster should be on an A4 piece of paper and include the Date of the Bazaar: Thursday 1st December 2011 Time: 3.30 – 4.45 Location: Parsloes Primary School, Spurling Road Entrance: Breakfast Club Door. The best posters will be displayed around school and up the Heathway to promote the Christmas Bazaar. Please return to school, by Monday 29th November.
Father Christmas:
Father Christmas will be visiting school on Thursday 1st December, in school time. So if you would like your child to visit Father Christmas £1.50 which includes a present. If you would like a ticket for this please complete the slip below and return it with £1.50 in a named sealed envelope to Miss Baker or the School office, before the Tuesday 30th November.
Thank you for all your help and support.
Yours sincerely
Miss Baker
Christmas Bazaar Organiser