Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

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4th November 2010

On Thursday 11th November Parsloes Primary School will be holding a Remembrance

Day ceremony at 11 O’clock.

This year as well as selling poppies, we will be selling a red helium balloon for £1. The

proceeds of this will be donated to the British Legion.

The children will be given the balloon on the day to take outside and following our two

minutes silence, these will be released.

Please can you send in your £1 donation with your child by Wednesday 10th November

so we have the right number of balloons ready for the ceremony the following morning.

If you are around you are welcome to come along.

Thank you for your support

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher