Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

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Maths Week

30th September 2010

Dear Parents,

4th October to 8th October 2010

As part of our new School Developments we are focusing on Maths, and making this more engaging and practical. So we are having a week devoted to Maths.

During this week the children will be involved in numerous fun and creative Maths activities.

Many of the Maths sessions may be outside the usual classroom environment and children will

also get the chance to work with other classes and year groups across the school.

For example in Years 5 and 6 the children will be taking part in ‘Classroom City’. They have already been earning Parsloes £s by attending school on time everyday. The children will be taught to manage their own

money for the week.

On Tuesday Quantum Theatre Group will be performing, ‘Calculating Mr. One’ to year 1 to 6 pupils.

Over the week children will get the opportunity to cook in school, whilst learning about weight, measures, capacity and costs of ingredients etc, and children will be able to sample and buy food cooked in school on Market Day, which is on Friday 8th October.

Friday 8th October, Market Day, will be a non- uniform day.
Classes may have a theme for theirs and the class teacher will let you know.

For more details on what your child’s class will be doing, please see your child’s teacher.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher