Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

The main school site is at

Be Bright Be Seen Day Friday 22nd October 2010

18th October 2010

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The clocks will be going back at the end of October. The nights draw in and it starts to

get darker just after school finishes.

To make people more aware of the importance of wearing something bright and to be seen

by other road users, our school is taking part in the borough wide ‘be bright be seen’ event on

Friday 22nd October. We are asking you to encourage your child to wear something bright

for the day.

It is not a non-uniform day. Your child should wear one item of bright clothing that can be

seen. This could be their trousers/skirt, t-shirt or jumper. They should then wear the

rest of their uniform as usual.

Children will be given prizes for taking part in the ‘be bright be seen’ event.

Please encourage your child to wear one item of bright clothing.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher

Personalised Christmas Cards

6th October 2010

Dear Parents,

Order to be returned by Wednesday 20th October

This term all children have been asked to create a piece of artwork which can be reproduced in full colour
onto Christmas cards. These will then be available in packs of 12, for you to purchase.
These can be great to send to family and friends.
The cards are available with a greeting inside or can be left blank and your child’s name will be printed onto
the back of the card (this needs to be printed in BLOCK capitals on the order form which is attached to the
back of your child’s work).

To make an order simply complete the form on the back of the piece of work and return to school by
Wednesday 20th October at the latest. Payment must be included with the order in a sealed and labelled envelope.
Completed Christmas card packs should be ready for the children to bring home towards the end of November.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Cole

Art Co-ordinator

Maths Week

30th September 2010

Dear Parents,

4th October to 8th October 2010

As part of our new School Developments we are focusing on Maths, and making this more engaging and practical. So we are having a week devoted to Maths.

During this week the children will be involved in numerous fun and creative Maths activities.

Many of the Maths sessions may be outside the usual classroom environment and children will

also get the chance to work with other classes and year groups across the school.

For example in Years 5 and 6 the children will be taking part in ‘Classroom City’. They have already been earning Parsloes £s by attending school on time everyday. The children will be taught to manage their own

money for the week.

On Tuesday Quantum Theatre Group will be performing, ‘Calculating Mr. One’ to year 1 to 6 pupils.

Over the week children will get the opportunity to cook in school, whilst learning about weight, measures, capacity and costs of ingredients etc, and children will be able to sample and buy food cooked in school on Market Day, which is on Friday 8th October.

Friday 8th October, Market Day, will be a non- uniform day.
Classes may have a theme for theirs and the class teacher will let you know.

For more details on what your child’s class will be doing, please see your child’s teacher.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher

Dates for the rest of the Term

1st October 2010

Dear Parents

In the interests of pupils’ wellbeing as they enter and leave our school could I ask that you refrain from smoking directly outside the school gates. Thank you.


The web address for the school has changed, it is now http://www.parsloesprimary.co.uk/.


Week beginning 4th October Theme Week: Focus on Mathematics

Thursday 7th October Year 1 trip to Upminster

Thursday 14th October Meeting for Year 1 parents on reading, at 2.30pm

Friday 22nd October LAST DAY OF HALF TERM

Monday 1st November Back to school normal times

Monday 8th November Individual photographs

Tuesday 9th November Book fair starts, in library

Wednesday 10th November Parents evening 4pm to 7pm ( more information to follow)

Friday 10th December Carol Concert in the morning

Tuesday 14th December Year one and two Christmas Concert to parents at 10am

Tuesday 14th December Nursery and reception concert to parents at 2pm

Wednesday 15th December Nursery and Reception concert to parents at 10.am

Wednesday 15th December Year one and two concert to parents at 2pm

Friday 10th December Carol Concert

Friday 17th December LAST DAY OF TERM


Could all parents please label your child’s uniform. This makes it so much easier to return items to the rightful owner.

We have only been back at school four weeks and already there are two bins full of lost property that cannot be returned as there are no names on them.

Thank you once again for your co-operation

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Lipski

Head Teacher