Hopefully this term we will be moving to a cashless system, this will mean that the school will no longer be involved in booking school meals. This is being rolled out across the borough. We will keep you informed and support you through this process.
At present our school staff support the School Meals Service by booking and ordering the school dinners.
In other schools this is done directly by the kitchen staff.
This is why school dinners MUST BE paid for and booked daily, as this is not school money,
it is money we are collecting on behalf of the School Meals Service and they prepare the school dinners based on the number of booked dinners ( including paid and free school meals).
If you are entitled to Free School Meals, please see either Mrs. Fairweather or Mrs. Parkin as soon as
possible as we can arrange this for you.
Please do not assume that we can automatically put in dinner money for your child, as we have to be
accountable for all school monies. If you need help please make an appointment to see a member of school
staff as soon as possible.
You can book a school dinner each morning before school at the Library windows.
The dinner window is open from 8.40 to 9.00am
Children receiving free school meals can book their dinner for the week on a Monday.
All dinners must be booked and paid for by 9.30am . We cannot order dinners after this time.
Thank you for your co-operation
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher
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