20th May 2010
Dear Parents,
Water Bottles
All pupils from reception upwards are encouraged to bring in their own water bottles. These can be filled up in the mornings from our water coolers or in their classrooms. It is especially important that children drink water as the weather gets warmer. We do also have school water bottles which are on sale from the school office, price £1.00
As the weather hopefully is improving please encourage your child to bring a hat to school. This must have their
name on it.
Cycle Storage
We are having many requests for children to store their bikes in this, which is really encouraging. However priority is always given to the years 5 & 6 who have permission to come to school without an adult.
Year 5 & 6 pupils must take a permission letter home so that parents can confirm their child is allowed to cycle to school by themselves and have a road worthy bicycle.
No-one should be storing their bikes or scooters in this cycle shed without asking if this is possible either from Mrs. Lipski or Mrs. Fairweather.
This ensures we have enough space available to store children’s bicycles safely.
School Uniform
I have included a reminder of our school uniform on the reverse of this letter.
Thank you for your co-operation
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher