As I have told you this week, we have had confirmed cases of Swine flu in school. As a result of this we are putting the following into place and would appreciate your co-operation with this.
- All children in the school to bring in their own water bottles, these can be filled up in school, but there will be no cups in any classrooms.
- There will be no cups by the water fountains, there will be a limited amount of disposable cups by the fountains.
- All classes will be provided with paper towels, anti bacterial hand wash and tissues.
- We will continue to reinforce the ‘Catch it , Bin it, Kill it’ message.
- We are following HPA guidelines if children are sent to the school office during the day.
- We are keeping the Local Authority updated regularly.
This is a reminder that children should not be having any chocolate bars, sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate coated products in their packed lunches. This has been the school policy for at least three years now.
Thursday 3rd December Christmas Bazaar after school
Thursday 3rd December Author visiting for Years 3 to 6
Friday 4th December Year 5 & 6 Choir visiting a school in Essex
Wednesday 9th December Years 1 & 2 Christmas Concert to parents at 2pm
Thursday 10th December Year 1 & 2 Christmas Concert to parents at 10am
Friday 11th December Carol Concert
Week 14th December NO CLUBS THIS WEEK
Tuesday 15th December Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert to parents at 2pm
Wednesday 16th December Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert to parents at 10am
Wednesday 16th December Class Christmas parties in the afternoon
Thursday 17th December Christmas Dinner. Last day for Nursery
Friday 18th December Last day of term
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher