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School Closing early
Dear parents
School closing early today. All chidlren need to be collected at 12.30.
Please note there will be no school dinners or packed lunches today.
If you have alaready paid for a school dinner, you will be given a refund.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher
School Closures
It is important that we have up to date contact details for you. This will allow us to contact you either in an emergency for your child or if we need to contact you for an unplanned closure.
In the event of us having to close the school for an unforeseen event, e.g. bad weather, no heating etc. we will be able to inform you in a number of ways as detailed below.
A text message will be sent to the mobile number that you have provided as early as possible on the day of closure.
The school website will be updated as early as possible both with details of the closure and also when we will re-open.
School Open Check
This is a London Grid for Learning service that enables us to up date our school status which parents can check in the following way:
Visit the borough’s website, www.lbbd.gov.uk and click on the link schools on the left hand side under useful links
Click on the link school closures
Click on the link school status
You will then see the current status of our school.
If you do not have access to the internet or you prefer to use the phone you can call the following number to get the relevant information.
020 8408 7508 - You will need our school’s DCSF code which is 3012064.
It would be useful to try this out before an emergency closure so that you are used to the procedure.
Should you require any further information or you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Fairweather in the school office who will be happy to help you.
Please keep this information for future use.
Yours sincerely
Mrs A Lipski
Head Teacher
As I have told you this week, we have had confirmed cases of Swine flu in school. As a result of this we are putting the following into place and would appreciate your co-operation with this.
- All children in the school to bring in their own water bottles, these can be filled up in school, but there will be no cups in any classrooms.
- There will be no cups by the water fountains, there will be a limited amount of disposable cups by the fountains.
- All classes will be provided with paper towels, anti bacterial hand wash and tissues.
- We will continue to reinforce the ‘Catch it , Bin it, Kill it’ message.
- We are following HPA guidelines if children are sent to the school office during the day.
- We are keeping the Local Authority updated regularly.
This is a reminder that children should not be having any chocolate bars, sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate coated products in their packed lunches. This has been the school policy for at least three years now.
Thursday 3rd December Christmas Bazaar after school
Thursday 3rd December Author visiting for Years 3 to 6
Friday 4th December Year 5 & 6 Choir visiting a school in Essex
Wednesday 9th December Years 1 & 2 Christmas Concert to parents at 2pm
Thursday 10th December Year 1 & 2 Christmas Concert to parents at 10am
Friday 11th December Carol Concert
Week 14th December NO CLUBS THIS WEEK
Tuesday 15th December Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert to parents at 2pm
Wednesday 16th December Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert to parents at 10am
Wednesday 16th December Class Christmas parties in the afternoon
Thursday 17th December Christmas Dinner. Last day for Nursery
Friday 18th December Last day of term
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher
Full Attendance Reward
We want to reward all those pupils who come to school everyday and are on time.
So we have made links with the Partyman World of Play at Lakeside, Thurrock and we will be taking these pupils to the Partyman World of Play to use all their facilities and have a party / disco with their experienced entertainers. Pupils will receive prizes and have a thoroughly enjoyable day.
This trip will take place during June 2010 and will be completely free for those pupils who have attended school everyday, on time from Monday, 30th November until the end of May 2010.
You child has been told about this initiative at their assembly last week.
We are sure that you would agree that if a pupil comes to school everyday they have the best chance of a great education.
If you have any questions regarding attendance issues please contact the school office.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Deville
Deputy Head Teacher
Additional Date for Father Christmas
Dear Parents and Carers,
With the high demand for tickets ( all 60 were sold within ten minutes) we have been in touch with Father Christmas and he does not want to disappoint anyone so he has kindly agreed to come on Monday 7th December again. He will only be able to see children who attend this school, so unfortunately parents will not be able to accompany their child, as this will be during lesson times.
If you would still like a ticket for this please complete the slip below and return with £1.50 in a named sealed envelope to Miss Baker.
Yours sincerely
Miss Baker
My child would like to see Father Christmas, in school time, on Monday 7th December.
Class _________________________________________________
I enclose £1.50 in a sealed named envelope.
Please return to school before Wednesday 2nd December 2009
Christmas Bazaar
Dear Parents and Carers
This year we are holding a Christmas Bazaar. The Christmas Bazaar will be held in the Dining Hall and you will need to enter through the Breakfast club door.
Visit Father Christmas:
You will be able to visit Father Christmas at the Christmas Bazaar for £1.50. You will need to buy your ticket in advance as Father Christmas will only be able to see 60 children at the event. Tickets go on sale Wednesday 25th November and Thursday 26th November from the Infant playground, by the Nursery gate.
Christmas Raffle:
There will be a Christmas Raffle with a first prize of a delicious Christmas Hamper, other prizes include, tickets to a football match at Dagenham and Redbridge, Ben 10 Torch, High School Musical pens and pencils and a lot lot more. Again I will be selling tickets in the Infant Playground Friday 27th November and the Junior Playground Monday 30th November 2009. They are priced at £1 a strip. You will also be able to buy more tickets at the Christmas Bazaar.
There will be stalls where you can buy some Christmas goodies, guess the weight of the cake, guess the name of the teddy, a white elephant stall (any donations of toys or household goods in good condition).
One of the stalls will be a clear cup stall, where every child will be given a clear plastic cup to fill up with sweets, pencils, hair clips, small toys etc, so that other children will be able to win them.
Also a cake stall, if you could donate a box of cakes or even some homemade ones, would be appreciated.
Christmas picture competition:
If your child can complete the Christmas picture attached, using pencils, pens, paint, glitter, etc. There will be a prize for the winning entry, from Foundation stage, KS1 and KS2. Don’t forget to write your child’s name and class on the back of their picture. Please return pictures by Wednesday 2nd December. Good luck.
Look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Bazaar,
Miss Baker