Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

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Pupil Takeover Day

3rd November 2008

Dear Parents.


On Friday the 6th November our School will be taking part in “Takeover for the day.”

This is a national project that invites children to ‘takeover’ for the day in their local communities.

As a school we have decided to allow the School Council Members to participate and takeover some of the duties in school. Some of these duties will involve collecting the dinner money in the morning, answering the phones and greeting parents in the reception area between 11-2pm, playground and dinner duties with myself.

The rest of the school will be involved in activities in their classes.

Don’t worry we will be there to guide and assist them carrying out these tasks.

We would also appreciate your support and patience in helping these children on this day learn other skills.

Yours sincerely

Heather Bell
Yr 2-4 Co-ordinator.