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Healthy Eating Workshops for Reception and Year One

11th November 2009.


Healthy Eating Workshop on Tuesday 24th November at 9.15am

I am writing to invite you to a Healthy Eating Workshop for Reception pupils and parents.
This workshop is about making and eating healthy food with your child in school. It is run by the adult college.
This is a unique opportunity to come and work alongside your child in class in creating a meal.
If you are interested you will need to be able to come into school for the whole morning.

This workshop would cover:
The five food groups
The importance of a balanced diet
Involving your child in making food preparation fun
Tasting and using new foods
A chance to work with your child in class

The day would start at 9.15am with an adult only session and then you will join your child’s class to work with them in preparing a delicious salad.
Finally a meeting with the teacher from the adult college to end the workshop.

This is the third year that we have arranged this type of workshop and hope many of you are able to come.


Healthy Eating Workshop on Tuesday 24th November at 1.45pm

I am writing to invite you to a Healthy Eating Workshop for Year One pupils and parents.
This workshop is about making and eating healthy food with your child in school. It is run by the adult college.
This is a unique opportunity to come and work alongside your child in class in creating a meal.
If you are interested you will need to be able to come into school for the afternoon.

This workshop would cover:
The five food groups
The importance of a balanced diet
Involving your child in making food preparation fun
Tasting and using new foods
A chance to work with your child in class

The afternoon would start at 1.45pm with an adult only session and then you will join your child’s class to work with them in preparing a delicious salad.
Finally a meeting with the teacher from the adult college to end the workshop.

This is the third year that we have arranged this type of workshop and hope many of you are able to come.

If you are interested in attending this, please sign the slip below.

Yours sincerely

Mrs K. Deville
Deputy Head Teacher