9th September 2009
Welcome back to school and I hope you and your family had an enjoyable holiday. All the children seem to have settled in really well so far and are getting used to their new classes and new teachers.
I would appreciate it if you could make note of the following reminders.
Thank you for ensuring your child has come back to school wearing full school uniform. Please ensure that all uniform is labelled with your child’s name so that it can be returned to you promptly.
It is important that your child is on time for school and is collected on time at the end of the day.
Time Infants ( Reception, Year 1, 2) Juniors ( Years 3, 4 5 & 6)
Start of the school day 9.00 8.55
End of the school day 3.05 (Reception) 3.10 (Yrs 1, 2) 3.15
When you come to collect your child at the end of the day can you please stand back and not stand by the door as the classes come out so that teachers can hand the children over to you safely and with ease.
As before all the food we eat in school has to be healthy. Infant children are provided with fruit at play time but your child may also bring a cereal bar or own piece of fruit to school to eat at this time. No chocolate bars/chocolate coated cakes/biscuits or sweets or fizzy drinks are allowed in packed lunches. Juniors continue have their tuck shop at playtimes, which is run by our very capable year 6 pupils. When possible could your child bring in the correct money as this makes it much quicker to sell the cereal bars.
This year we are arranging a more informal opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher. This will be on Monday 21st September between 3.30 and 4.00. I will send out more information on this .
Your child will probably have told you about our new school kitchen and re-decorated dining hall. The children are really looking after our new hall, it is now a much improved environment to eat their lunch.
You may also have noticed an exterior door into our library and we have plans to open this after school for homework clubs and as a library, after half term.
As I mentioned in last term’s newsletter our governing body has agreed that from this term no term time holidays will be approved at Parsloes. Having 10 days off school equates to 95% attendance and therefore any more time off for illness etc would mean your child would never achieve the expected school attendance figure. If you need to apply for special leave for your child all requests should be submitted to our Chair of Governors via the school office .Many other schools in this borough also have adopted this policy, as school attendance levels in this borough are a cause for concern.
Thank you once again for your co-operation
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Lipski ,
Head Teacher