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Multisports for Years 2 & 3

11th September 2009
Dear Parents

Every Thursday from 3.15pm to 4.15pm

We have arranged for Mike, who carries out many of our coaching sessions during lesson time, to run an after school multi sports club for the children in Years two and three. This club is open to boys and girls of all abilities. The children will learn to play a range of sports, eg hockey, basketball, football. The sports will vary and the children will be involved in choosing them.

Sessions will be outdoors whenever possible therefore players must bring appropriate footwear as well as weather appropriate clothing. Should the weather intervene we will move to the school hall. Any cancelled sessions will be made up at a later date.

The cost for each session is £3.00 or £18.00 for 6 weeks. It will run at least till the end of term.
All payments should be given to the coach on the day.

If your child is interested please return the slip below to the school office by Tuesday 15th September 2009. There are 24 places so places will be offered on a first come first served basis.
The first session begins on Thursday 17th September 2009.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski
Head Teacher

Multisports Clubs for Years 2 & 3 on Thursdays

Child’s Name: …………………………………………. Class:

Telephone: …………………………... Mobile: ………………………………

Any relevant medical conditions/allergies: ……………………………………………………………………..

Signed: ……………………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian