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Nursery Trip to Pizza Hut

15th June 2009

Nursery am trip to pizza express, upminster
Wednesday 1st July 2009

The Nursery children will have the opportunity to go on a train with their peers and the Nursery staff to Upminster on the district line. Once in Upminster they will be going to Pizza Express where they will create their own pizza which will then be cooked and brought back for them to share with you for their lunch.
The children will need to be in school at the normal time but their session will end at the later time of 12.30 pm.

There will be no Nursery session for your child on Thursday 2nd July as the afternoon children will be on their trip.

For your child to take part in the trip we are asking for a donation of £2. You will need to sign the permission slip and return to school by Friday 19th June .

Thank You.

Yours sincerely,

Karen Camp
Deputy Head Teacher