6th May 2009
Dear parents,Year 2 Trip to Southend
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
We have planned this trip to Southend, to link in with the history topic Past and Present at a Seaside and also to look at the features of a seaside to compare with where they live, as part of the Geography topic. This will include taking them on the pier.
The children will be travelling by coach, which are fitted with seatbelts. They will be supervised by teachers and classroom assistants.
All children need to bring a packed lunch. This should be in a plastic bag, with their name on it, so it can be thrown away once finished.
For the visit all children should wear full school uniform and sensible footwear and have a waterproof coat. The children should not bring pocket money.
We intend to leave school by 9.00 in the morning so ensure your child is in school on time. We aim to return to school by 3.10pm (normal school time). All children should then be collected from the infant playground as normal.
Attached is a permission slip, which should be signed and returned to the school by Friday 15th May 2009 along with your donation of £10.00, this covers the cost of the coach and fee for going on the pier.
If you have any further questions about the trip please do not hesitate to contact the year 2 teachers or Miss Bell.
Thank you for your co-operation
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher