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School Attendance

16th March 2009

Dear parents,

Improving School Attendance is a National and Local issue. In line with the 1996 Education Act parents of a child of compulsory school age are required to ensure that the child receives full time education.
The government department responsible for schools, the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) sets targets for school attendance in the same way as they set targets for pupils’ achievements.
As you know, to do well in school, your child needs to be in school.

The national overall attendance figure for last year was 94.9%. Last year we only achieved 93.1%, whereas the previous year we achieved 94.2%.
Our current school target is 94.4% attendance. Therefore for your child’s attendance to be in line with the school target it means that he/she can have no more than 10 days off school over the whole year.

The other issue that this borough and many of its primary schools, including Parsloes, experiences is persistent absence from school. This borough is above the national figures for number of pupils whose attendance is 80% and below (having 38 days or more off school).

As a school we have a duty to ensure that the children on our roll attend school regularly and if a child is not in school we must seek a reason for this. Only the school can authorise an absence. Many absences are unavoidable and are generally authorised. But regardless of whether an absence is authorised by the school or not it is still an absence.

In order to make sure you are kept informed of your child’s attendance and the impact this may be having on their progress in school you will shortly be receiving a letter informing of your child’s current school attendance and whether this is below, in line or above the school’s target.

Thank you for your co-operation

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher