Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

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Drama Club for Years 5 & 6

9th January 2009

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Your child has expressed an interest in attending the after school Y5/6 Drama Group. The group will be run by myself and Mrs Ahmed every Friday and will run from 3.15pm to 4pm. There will be no charge for this club.

If you would like your child to attend the club then I will be picking the first 20 names out of the hat so please return the slip below. The first session will start Friday 16th January 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Durrant
KS Coordinator for Y4-6

Y5/6 Drama Group
Dear Mrs Durrant,

I would like my child to attend the Y5/6 Drama group.

Please tick one:-

I agree to pick my child up at 4pm every Friday

I give permission for my child to walk home alone

I understand that the club will start Friday 16th January 2009.

Childs name ………………………………….. Class……… Parent Signature ……………………………….