Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

The main school site is at

Changes to PE Times for Year 4

30th January 2009

Dear Parents of pupils in Year 4,

Class 4C will start their first swimming lesson on Tuesday 3rd February 2009.

This will alter the times of PE lessons for both year 4 classes. Please make note of the new days for PE for your child’s class.


Tuesday mornings (Swimming) your child will need to bring in swimming kit.
Wednesday afternoon your child will need to bring in school PE kit.


Tuesday afternoons your child will need to bring in School PE kit.
Thursday afternoons your child will need to bring in School PE kit.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski
Head Teacher

List of After Schools Clubs for Spring Term 2009

After school Clubs arranged so far

Gym Club for KS 1 with Mrs Tricker
3.20 to 4.20
No charge

Yrs 4 & 5
Gardening Club with Mrs. Ivey-Ray
3.20 to 4.20

Yr 1 & 2 Football Club
With Hatrick
3.20 to 4.20


Yrs 3, 4 5 & 6
Dance Club with Mrs Tricker
3.20 to 4.30
No Charge

Yr 3 Football Club with Hatrick
3.20 to 4.20

Yrs 5 & 6 football coaching
3.20 to 4.20
No charge

Yr 4 Football Club
With Hatrick


Netball Club for Girls in Years 5 & 6
3.20 to 4.20

3.20 to 4.20
Morphing Club
Years 5 & 6
3.15 to 4.15 with Lifeline
No Charge

3.20 to 4.00
Running Club with Miss Camp and Miss Baker for Years 3 & 4

Year 5 & 6 Basketball with Thomo
3.20 to 4.20

3.15 to 4.00pm
Drama Club with Mrs. Durrant and Mrs. Ahmed for Years 5 & 6

3.15 to 4.00pm
Circuit Training Club with Mr. Hinds for Years 3 & 4

Class 4C Visit to the Library

21st January 2009

Dear Parents.

4C trip to Fanshawe Library.

We have arranged for the children in 4C to visit our local library next week as part of our School Development Plan, to raise the profile of reading. This will involve the children walking to Fanshawe Library with their class teacher and the teaching assistant.

The visits have been planned for Tuesday 27th January from 9.30-11.30am. If you have any objections to your child participating, could you please let your child’s teacher know.

If you would like your child to join the library could you please fill out the form and return to school before their visit. If your child already has a library card could they please bring this to school on the day of their visit.

If your child borrows a book from the library it will be your responsibility to ensure the book is returned and not the schools.

Yours Sincerely,

Hayley Durrant
Key Stage Co-ordinator for Y4-6

Class 5H Visit to the Library

21st January 2009

Dear Parents.

5H trip to Fanshawe Library.

We have arranged for the children in 5H to visit our local library next week as part of our School Development Plan, to raise the profile of reading. This will involve the children walking to Fanshawe Library with their class teacher and the teaching assistant.

The visits have been planned for Thursday 29th January from 9.30-11.30am. If you have any objections to your child participating, could you please let your child’s teacher know.

If you would like your child to join the library could you please fill out the form and return to school before their visit. If your child already has a library card could they please bring this to school on the day of their visit.

If your child borrows a book from the library it will be your responsibility to ensure the book is returned and not the schools.

Yours Sincerely,

Hayley Durrant
Key Stage Co-ordinator for Y4-6

Reminders for the start of the New Term

21st January 2009

Dear parents

I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday. In this letter are a few reminders for the start of a new term and also some of the dates that we have already arranged for this term.


Please make sure that your child comes to school in the correct uniform. This also includes the correct PE kit. All uniform MUST be labeled making it much easier to return any lost items.


When a child is absent from school please make sure you inform the school on the first day of absence and when your child returns to school please send in a letter if absent for more than one day.


PE is a compulsory National Curriculum subject and as such all children are expected to take part unless they have a vulnerable physical injury or a pre-existing medical condition that could be adversely affected by physical exertion eg asthma. When the weather is very cold lessons will be taken inside.


We now have our own school website. This contains general information about the school. There is also the facility read about any events we have planned, club information and letters we have sent out. This will allow you to check dates etc of upcoming events, from home.

The website address is

Thank you for your support in these matters.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher

Year 6 Proposed Visit to Stubbers Outdoor Centre

20th January 2009

Dear Parents of Year Six Children

Last year we arranged for year six to spend a day at Stubbers Adventure Centre. This was a great success and we would like to offer the same to our current year 6 pupils.

Before we make the final booking we would like to know if you would like your child to go. Depending on numbers interested then the trip can go head.

A donation of £30.00 is requested to cover the cost of the activities and transport to get there.

If you would like any information on payment schemes please do not hesitate to get in touch with myself or Mrs Parkin.

Please sign and return the attached slip by Friday 23rd January 2009.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski
Head Teacher


Please Return to school office

I would like/ would not like my son/daughter to take part in the above mentioned outing to Stubbers Adventure Centre in the Summer Term 2009. ( cross out as applicable)

Signed: ............................................................................................. Date: ......................

Parents/Guardian of: ......................................................................... Class: ....................

Dates for Spring Term 2009

Tuesday 20th January Reception parents phonics workshop
Tuesday 20th January Class 2F visiting Fanshawe library
Thursday 22nd January Reception parents phonics workshop
Thursday 22nd January Class 2W visiting Fanshawe library
Tuesday 27th January Class 4C going to the Library
Thursday 29th January Class 5H visiting Fanshawe library
Friday 6th February Victorian Workshop in school for Year 5
Friday 13th February Last day of half term, school ends at normal times

Monday 23rd February Back to school
Tuesday 3rd March Class 5S visiting Fanshawe library
Wednesday 4th March Parents evening 4pm to 7pm
Thursday 5th March WORLD BOOK DAY
Thursday 5th March Class 4AR visiting Fanshawe library
Monday 9th March Class 5S at CLC centre
Friday 13th March Year 5 assembly to parents on Victorians (afternoon)

Week beginning 16th March Theme Week

Thursday 26th March Borough Music Festival
Tuesday 31st March Years 3 & 4 concert to parents in afternoon
Wednesday 1st April Years 3 & 4 concert to parents in the morning
Wednesday 1st April Years 3 & 4 pupils disco
Thursday 2nd April Walkabout Evening 6pm to 8pm
Friday 3rd April Last day of term
Tuesday 21st April First day of Summer Term

Before School Gymnastics Club for Years 5 & 6

9th January 2009
Dear Parents

Every Thursday morning from 8.00am to 8.45am

We have arranged for a gymnastics club before school which will be taken by Mike. This club is open to pupils in years 5 & 6.

Sessions will be in the main school hall. Children will need to bring wear their own school PE kit for this club.

The cost for each session is £2.50. It will run at least till the end of term.

All payments should be given to the coach on the day.

If your child is interested please return the slip below to the school office by Monday 12th January. Places will be offered on a first come first served basis.
The first session begins on Thursday 15th January 2009.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski
Head Teacher

Before school Gymnastics Club for Year 5& 6 on Thursday monrings

Child’s Name: ………………………………………….

Telephone: …………………………... Mobile: ………………………………

Any relevant medical conditions/allergies: ……………………………………………………………………..

Signed: ……………………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian

Year Two Visit to the Library

14th January 2009

Dear Parents.

I have arranged for the children in year 2 to visit our local library next week as part of our School Development Plan, to raise the profile of reading. This will involve the children walking to Fanshawe Library with their class teacher and the Teaching Assistants.

The visits have been planned for Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22th January from 9.30-11.30am. If you have any objections to your child participating, could you please let your child’s teacher know.

Tuesday 20th January – Mrs Field
Thursday 22th January –Mrs Waller

If you would like your child to join the library could you please fill out the form and return to school before their visit. If your child already has a library card could they please bring this to school on the day of their visit.

If you child borrows a book from the library it will be your responsibility to ensure the book is returned and not the schools.

Yours sincerely

Heather Bell KS 1 & Yr 3 Co-ordinator.

Year One Visit to the Library

9th January 2009

Dear Parents.

I have arranged for the children in year 1 to visit our local library next week as part of our School Development Plan, to raise the profile of reading. This will involve the children walking to Fanshawe Library with their class teacher and the Teaching Assistants.

The visits have been planned for Tuesday 13th and Thursday 14th January from 9.30-11.30am. If you have any objections to your child participating, could you please let your child’s teacher know.

Tuesday 13th January – Miss Palmer
Thursday 15th January –Miss Locke

If you would like your child to join the library could you please fill out the form and return to school before their visit. If your child already has a library card could they please bring this to school on the day of their visit.

If you child borrows a book from the library it will be your responsibility to ensure the book is returned and not the schools.

Yours sincerely

Heather Bell KS 1 & Yr 3 Co-ordinator.

Drama Club for Years 5 & 6

9th January 2009

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Your child has expressed an interest in attending the after school Y5/6 Drama Group. The group will be run by myself and Mrs Ahmed every Friday and will run from 3.15pm to 4pm. There will be no charge for this club.

If you would like your child to attend the club then I will be picking the first 20 names out of the hat so please return the slip below. The first session will start Friday 16th January 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Durrant
KS Coordinator for Y4-6

Y5/6 Drama Group
Dear Mrs Durrant,

I would like my child to attend the Y5/6 Drama group.

Please tick one:-

I agree to pick my child up at 4pm every Friday

I give permission for my child to walk home alone

I understand that the club will start Friday 16th January 2009.

Childs name ………………………………….. Class……… Parent Signature ……………………………….

Year Four Swimming

Thursday 8th January 2009

Dear Parents of pupils in Year 4,

Children in Year 4 will now be attending Dagenham Swimming pool, to continue their swimming lessons.

Class 4AR will start swimming lessons again on Tuesday 13th January with their last lesson on Tuesday 27th January.
Lessons will now be in the morning, so children will be leaving school at 9.30am and returning by playtime.

Class 4C’s lessons will start on Tuesday 3rd February.

Kindly note the following points:-
1. Swimming is part of the National Curriculum and all children are expected to attend lessons. If your child is in school they will be expected to go swimming. Only children with vulnerable injuries are not expected to go eg broken limb etc.
2. Please ensure your child has the correct equipment. Girls are allowed to wear one piece costumes only and boys must wear swimming trunks and not shorts. All children must wear swimming hats; these can be purchased at the swimming pool.( £1.50). You could purchase swimming trunks/ costumes and swimming bags from the schools’ uniform shop.
3. If your child brings in money to purchase a hat on the day, this should be given to his class teacher who will arrange for this.
4. Please check to see if your child has a verruca. If so please get some treatment for it. Children can still attend lessons but a verruca sock must be worn. Once again, Dagenham Swimming Pool have these for sale.
5. If your child has an inhaler in school, please tell him/ her that it should be taken to the Pool each week and returned to the office afterwards.
6. Children should normally attend swimming lessons NOT wearing goggles. If there is a medical reason for your child to wear goggles, they must be safety goggles. Parents must accept responsibility for any injury caused through wearing them and therefore are required to sign a disclaimer which is available from the school office.
With apologies for so many ‘rules’ but they are intended to ensure that lessons run smoothly and children enjoy them.
Parents of pupils in Class 4C must sign and return the attached permission slip by Friday 30th January 2009 , as their first
lesson is on Tuesday 3rd February 2009

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski
Head Teacher

Basketball Club for Year 5 and 6

12th December 2008
Dear Parents

Basketball Club for Year 5& 6

Every Friday from 3.20pm to 4.20pm

We have found a new coach to run our after school basketball club for the children in Years five and six. This club is open to boys and girls of all abilities.

Sessions will be outdoors whenever possible therefore players must bring appropriate footwear as well as weather appropriate clothing. Should the weather intervene we will move to the school hall. Any cancelled sessions will be made up at a later date.

The cost for each session is £3.00 or £18.00 for 6 weeks. It will run at least till the end of term.
All payments should be given to the coach on the day.

If your child is interested please return the slip below to the school office by Friday 19th December 2008. There are 24 places so places will be offered on a first come first served basis.
The first session begins on Friday 9th January 2009.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski
Head Teacher

Basketball Club for Year 5& 6 on Fridays

Child’s Name: ………………………………………….

Telephone: …………………………... Mobile: ………………………………

Any relevant medical conditions/allergies: ……………………………………………………………………..

Signed: ……………………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian