Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

The main school site is at

School Closure Procedure

14th January 2015

Dear parents,

How to find out if the School is Closed

If we have to make a decision to close the school unexpectedly, as we have in previous years due to adverse weather conditions such as snow, we have three ways to inform you of this.

Firstly this will be posted on our website: www.parsloesprimary.co.uk  .
Secondly we also post this information on the borough’s website on their School Status Page; https://www.lbbd.gov.uk/residents/schools-and-learning/school-status/
And finally we will send a groupcall message to the mobile number we have on our records for you so please ensure we have your up to date mobile number.

A decision will be made by 7.30 in the morning. Many factors influence this decision, such as staff being able to get to school, the condition of the school grounds and the conditions of the roads surrounding the school.

Please do not rely on phoning the school to find out this information as there is only one phone line and also there may not be anyone there to take the call.

We will also use these ways to tell you if the school is open during bad weather.

Thank you for your co-operation

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher


26th January 2015

Dear parents,

I am sorry that I have to bring this up again but I am again getting complaints from residents and other parents about how some parents’ park and drive down Shortcrofts road. While I know this does not apply to the vast majority of parents, there are still a few parents who continue to park inconsiderately on this road.

The majority of complaints are about parents parking illegally. Please note that you CANNOT park on a dropped kerb, or STOP on the zig zag lines to drop off or collect children. Parking illegally on roads near our school puts all children’s safety at risk.

We have been contacting the council regarding this and they are taking our concerns seriously. They will be sending patrols around before and after school, so anyone parking illegally could get a ticket.

So in the interests of children’s safety please park properly and considerately.

Could I also remind you that if you are dropping your child off in morning, you must do this safely.
You can drop them off by the gate and go ONLY when a member of staff is by the gate and they can see your child safely into school. If there is no member staff there you MUST park correctly and see your child in safely.

Thank you to the vast majority of you who do park considerately, as this means children can come to school safely.

I hope that I will not have to write again regarding this.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher


         23rd January 2015
Dear parents,

Since coming back after Christmas, a large number of children are still not bringing in their PE kits for PE lessons.
While forgetting your kit for one or two occasions is understandable, not having one is not.
It is unhygienic for your child to do PE properly without wearing the correct kit. So please ensure your child has the following:


Jogging bottoms are only to be worn for outdoor PE, which considering the weather at the moment is not taking place, so ALL children should be wearing red shorts.

Tights should not be worn under these shorts so your daughter may need to bring in socks to wear for PE

Also make sure all PE kit is labelled and in a PE bag, so that it does not go missing.

If you have any questions about this please see your class teacher.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. Lipski
Head Teacher

Happy New Year!!

School opens again to pupils on TUESDAY 6th January 2015, look forward to seeing you all then.

Reporting to parents evening

13th November 2014

Dear parents


I am writing to inform you that Parents Evening will be held on Thursday 27th November from 3.30pm to 7pm.

Appointments will be on a first come first served basis. Teachers are allowing ten minutes per appointment, so please ensure you arrive on time.

Please note that parents who attend termly review meetings with the Class Teacher, are not required to make an appointment but you are welcome to come and look through your child’s work so far this year.

We look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski

Head Teacher


Please return to Class teacher, Parsloes Primary School.

It will be convenient for me/us to attend the Termly Reporting to Parents evening on this day at this time.

(Please tick the appropriate box)

3.30pm to 5.00pm  ¨  5.00pm to 6.00pm ¨     6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. ¨

Child’s Name…………………………………………(please print)              Class: ……………………

Names of any other siblings and their class:…………………….                    



Individual Photographs

Tuesday 4th  November 2014

Dear parents

Thursday 13th November: INDIVIDUAL PHOTOGRAPHS

Arrangements have been made for the photographer to be in school on the above date to take the pupils photographs individually, in family groups (brothers and sisters already attending school) and family groups including children not yet in school. Should you wish your children to have their photographs taken, please co-operate with the following arrangements:

All school children should be wearing the full school uniform.

 Individual photographs

All children in both school and nursery will have their photographs taken individually.

Family Groups

We will organise family groups containing children in school or/and the morning nursery.  Children in the afternoon nursery need to be brought into school as usual.

Pre School and Family Groups ( same organisation as last year)

Those of you who want to bring toddlers and babies to school to be photographed with your other children who already attend school are very welcome.

Please come into school with your child at normal school time and you will be taken to the main hall. This will save us time in having to go and collect your child from class.

Once in the hall you will be given a number which will be the order in which the photographs will be taken.

All pupils will be photographed, individually and with their brothers and sisters, unless you inform us otherwise.

You are under no obligation to purchase these photographs, but proofs will be sent out with the children as soon as they arrive in school.  Information about prices and how to order the photographs will be contained in these envelopes.  Please ensure the correct money is enclosed in the envelopes.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski

Head Teacher

WWI Centenary Celebrations

4th November 2014

WWI Centenary Celebrations

Dear Parents,

Over the next two weeks we will be celebrating the WWI centenary.  The children will be finding out what life was like in 1914 as well as taking part in some celebratory activities.

All pupils will take part in a range of activities such as making poppies, creating displays and visiting Dagenham Heathway Memorial site.  We will also be holding an Armistice Assembly on Tuesday 11th November at 10.45 in the playground which parents are invited to and a non-school uniform day.

Key Dates/Activities

10th -14th November 2014                   All classes will visit Dagenham Heathway Memorial during this week.                                   
11th November 2014                           Armistice Assembly 10.45am.  Parents welcome to attend, as will be in the playground.                                                                                                                      
12th November 2014                           1914 Day.  Children to dress up in clothes from 1914.
12th November 2014                           Victory Theme School Lunch.
Poppies will also be on sale (20p) before and after school in the Infant and Junior playgrounds.
If you have any questions, please see your child’s class teacher.
Yours sincerely

Lauren Pearce
Assistant Head for Juniors

Half Term Letter

23rd October 2014

          Dear Parents,                                                                                                                             

Our half term break is nearly upon us, it has been a busy half term and I am sure the children and staff are looking forward to the week off, to recharge their batteries!

As I mentioned before a New National Curriculum has come into place since September 2014. Children in years 2 & 6 will continue to follow the programmes of study from the previous curriculum as they are in the final year of their key stage.

Why the big curriculum change?

The main aim is to raise standards. Although the new curriculum is intended to be more challenging, the content is actually slimmer than the current curriculum, focusing on essential core subject knowledge and skills such as essay writing and computer programming.

The main changes.

The table below summarises the main changes in the core subjects.

What’s new?
  • Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling (for example, the use of commas and apostrophes will be taught in KS1)
  • Handwriting is expected to be fluent, legible and speedy
  • Spoken English has a greater emphasis, with children to be taught debating and presenting skills.
  • Five-year-olds will be expected to learn to count up to 100 (compared to 20 under the previous curriculum) and learn number bonds to 20 (previously up to 10)
  • Simple fractions (1/4 and 1/2) will be taught from KS1, and by the end of primary school, children should be able to convert decimal fractions to simple fractions (e.g. 0.375 = 3/8)
  • By the age of nine, children will be expected to know times tables up to 12×12 (previously 10×10 by the end of primary school)
  • Calculators will not be introduced until near the end of KS2, to encourage mental arithmetic.
  • Strong focus on scientific knowledge and language, rather than understanding the nature and methods of science in abstract terms
  • Evolution will be taught in primary schools for the first time
  • Non-core subjects like caring for animals will be replaced by topics like the human circulatory system

 In order to prepare pupils for the more ambitious end of year expectations in English, Mathematics and Science, as set out in the new curriculum, we have adapted our Curriculum Plans. Details of which can be found on our website under information.


Since September 2014 all pupils in reception, year 1 & 2 are entitled to a free hot dinner. The uptake has been high at our school. Our kitchen staff are serving about 350 hot dinners each lunchtime for the whole school compared to about 160 in previous years. In order to accommodate this significant increase and get all these pupils through our only dining hall we have had to alter our lunchtime arrangements.

All reception pupils (90) start their lunchtime at 11.45 and go into the dining hall at 12.15 for lunch.

Year 1 pupils (90) start their lunchtime at 12.40 and go straight into the dining hall for their lunch

Year 2 pupils start their lunchtime at 12.45 and all are called into the dining hall by 1pm for their lunch

Years 3-6 lunch time still starts at 12.45 and over the hour year groups are called in, following a daily rota. We are managing to have all pupils called in for lunch by 1.25.


Friday 24th October
Last day of half term
Monday 3rd November
Back to school as normal
Tuesday 4th November
Year 1 trip to Tropical Wings
Tuesday 11th November
Remembrance day. More details of events nearer the time
Thursday 13th November
Individual photographs ( more information to follow)
Thursday 27th November
Reporting to parents evening 3.30 to 7pm
Monday 15th December
Infants concerts to parents ( more information to follow)
Tuesday 16th  December
Infants concerts to parents ( more information to follow)
Thursday 18th December
Class parties in the afternoon
Friday 19th December
Last day of term
Monday 5th January 2015
School closed to pupils: Staff training
Tuesday 6th January 2015
Start of the Spring term. School open to pupils at normal times

Thank you again for your continued support this term and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 3rd November.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski
            Head Teacher

Early Years: Winter clothing and Wellington boots

Dear parents / carers,       9th October 2014

As you are aware in Nursery and Reception we go outdoors every day, even in ‘bad’ weather.  In fact there is no such thing as ‘bad’ weather, only bad clothing.
Please can you ensure that you send your child in with an appropriate coat, for the Autumn / winter.  Raincoats are best for wet days.  And hoods are a must as we never quite know when it will rain!!!
Also, we would like every pupil to have a pair of wellington boots that they can leave in school to wear as necessary as the ground gets wet and muddy.  Please send these in with your child’s name clearly inside each boot at your earliest convenience.  We will store them in school.

Many thanks

Mrs K. Deville
Deputy Head Teacher 


1st October 2014

Dear parents,

I am sorry that I have to bring this up again but I am frequently getting complaints about how some parents’ park and drive down Shortcrofts road. While I know this does not apply to the vast majority of parents, there are still a few parents who continue to park inconsiderately on this road.

We are getting numerous complaints about parents parking illegally. Please note that you CANNOT park on a dropped kerb, or STOP on the zig zag lines to drop off children. Parking illegally on roads near our school and driving quickly down this road puts children’s safety at risk.

The Local Authority are taking complaints about road safety around schools seriously and receiving more complaints could mean that parking on Shortcrofts Road could be even more restricted for parents.  They are also sending wardens, which could mean if you are parked illegally you could receive a parking ticket.

So in the interests of children’s safety please park properly and considerately.

Could I also remind you that if you are dropping your child off, you must do this safely, which includes not blocking the road for other road users. If you need to ensure your child has gone in safely you should park correctly and walk your child in.

Thank you to the vast majority of you who do park considerately, as this means children can come to school safely.

I hope that I will not have to write again regarding this.

Yours sincerely


Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher

Reception Welcome Letter September 2014

17th September 2014

Reception Welcome / Future Events

Dear Parent/ Guardian,


Settling in

Welcome to Reception.  The children have settled so well into their new classes and the new routines of the day.  Lunchtime has been very smooth and apart from a few tears, the children have managed very well.  Thank you for all your support with this.  Please remember to pack a  healthy lunch for your child.  No chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks.

Family Pictures

Our new topic is Friends and Families.  Please send in a couple of photos of your child with family members.  Please list on the reverse of the photo who the family members are.  We will be using these over the coming weeks and they will form part of a display.  Please send in wherever possible by Monday. 

Reading books

Your child will bring home a reading book on Friday.  Please ensure that you write inside the home school log to show that you have heard your child read.  The more times your child reads the more awards they get in school.  Please aim to hear your child read every night for at least ten minutes.  You should spend half the time reading the book and half the time talking about the pictures.  This will be explained in greater detail during the Walkabout – see below.

Reception child and parent walkabout

Please note that we will be holding a welcome morning for all Reception pupils and their parents on Monday 6th October from 9 - 10.30am.  Please stay with your child in the playground on that day.  It will be a fun morning when you will see what the Reception children are learning and find out how you can help your child.

Wellgate Farm

We have the farm visiting us on Wednesday 1st October as we will be thinking about animal families during that week.  We are asking for a £3 donation from every child towards the cost of this.  The children will have access all day to ponies / goats, sheep, chickens, small animals etc.  This is always a very successful day and a very memorable experience for the children.  Please complete the slip below and place with your donation in a named, sealed envelope.


We will be holding a ‘wheelathon’ on Tuesday 21st October.  Parents will be welcome that day to join us so please keep that date in your diary.  More information will follow shortly.

Please do not hesitate to see me if you require any further information regarding any of the items above.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. K. Deville

Deputy Head Teacher


Meeting your child's new teacher

16th September 2014
Dear Parents                                                                                                               
We have arranged an opportunity for you to visit your child’s class and have a look at some of the work they are doing
so far this year. This will be on Friday 26th September from 3.25 till 4pm.  
Classes RW, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 please enter through the office, with your child and he or she will take you to meet
their teacher and visit their classroom. For RB and RM please wait in the reception garden and then enter through those doors.
The class teacher will not be able to discuss your child’s progress individually with you during this time but we do hold a formal parents evening next half term for this purpose.
As part of this we will be sending out a year group booklet with specific information that you will need over the coming year.
Thank you once again for your co-operation
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Lipski
Head Teacher



WElcome Back

8th September 2014

Dear parents,

I hope you all had a good holiday; it was lovely to see so many of you last week and thank you very much for adhering the our school policy on uniform; in particular the change that governors  made to shoe colour; which is all shoes/trainers are to be plain black with no coloured motifs or laces.

            KEY INFORMATION:

1.                  Children from reception to year 4 only will come in Infant and Junior doors ( by Shortcrofts Road)

2.                  Children can use either of these entrance doors, it would be sensible for them to use the entrance door nearest their classroom.

3.                  Children in Years 5 & 6 only enter and exit through the new building entrance.

4.                  All these doors will be open from 8.45 to 9.00 each morning.

5.                  The school gates are opened at 8.35.

6.                  From 8.35 there will be staff on duty in the playground.

7.                  Year 1 pupils will be collected from the infant playground ( by the sail)

8.                  Year 2 pupils will be collected by the fence at the other end of the infant playground

9.                  Year 3 pupils will be collected from the football area in the Junior playground

10.              Year 4 pupils will be collected from the playground in front of the new building ( new this year)

11.              Year 5 & 6 pupils will be collected from the playground in front of the new building.



Please STAND BACK OPPOSITE where your child’s class comes out and do not stand in front of any of the exit doors. This is really important as my teachers need to get all the children out and handed over to you safely.

Also the outdoor space is used for PE lessons and therefore you will not be able to access either playgrounds before 3pm.


Please remember to put money on your child’s parentpay account, school dinners are still £2.00. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Parkin.

We will be sending out timetables and information for each year group by the end of this week.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to myself or a member of staff.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski,

Head Teacher



Year Group
Class Names
Class Teacher
Support Staff
Nursery am
Nursery pm
Mrs. Van Der Meer
Miss Connolly
Mrs. Barker
Miss Martinez
Mrs. Pitt
Mrs. Whellams
Miss Paule
Miss Baker
Mrs. Hodges
Mr. Crawley
Mr. Cheung
Mrs. Evers
Miss Avery
Mrs. Green
Miss Morris & Mrs. Riordan
Mrs. Ali
Mrs Rusz
Miss Hennessey
Mrs. Wiltshire
Miss Walshe
Miss Bramley
Miss O’Leary
Mrs. Crane
Mrs. Cole
Mrs. Cottage
Mrs. Savill
Miss Sterling
Miss Davison
Miss Huntley
Mrs. Noyce
Mr. Johnson
Miss Richards
Mrs. Morrissey
Mr. Rusirevi
Mr. Choudhury
Mrs. Baluch
Miss Lipman
Miss Gordon