September 2014
Reception Welcome / Future Events
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Settling in
to Reception. The children have settled
so well into their new classes and the new routines of the day. Lunchtime has been very smooth and apart from
a few tears, the children have managed very well. Thank you for all your support with
this. Please remember to pack a healthy lunch for your child. No chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks.
Family Pictures
new topic is Friends and Families.
Please send in a couple of photos of your child with family
members. Please list on the reverse of
the photo who the family members are. We
will be using these over the coming weeks and they will form part of a
display. Please send in wherever
possible by Monday.
Reading books
child will bring home a reading book on Friday.
Please ensure that you write inside the home school log to show that you
have heard your child read. The more
times your child reads the more awards they get in school. Please aim to hear your child read every
night for at least ten minutes. You
should spend half the time reading the book and half the time talking about the
pictures. This will be explained in
greater detail during the Walkabout – see below.
Reception child
and parent walkabout
note that we will be holding a welcome morning for all Reception pupils and
their parents on Monday 6th
October from 9 - 10.30am. Please
stay with your child in the playground on that day. It will be a fun morning when you will see
what the Reception children are learning and find out how you can help your
Wellgate Farm
have the farm visiting us on Wednesday 1st October as we will be
thinking about animal families during that week. We are asking for a £3 donation from every
child towards the cost of this. The
children will have access all day to ponies / goats, sheep, chickens, small
animals etc. This is always a very
successful day and a very memorable experience for the children. Please complete the slip below and place with
your donation in a named, sealed envelope.
will be holding a ‘wheelathon’ on Tuesday 21st October. Parents will be welcome that day to join us
so please keep that date in your diary.
More information will follow shortly.
do not hesitate to see me if you require any further information regarding any
of the items above.
K. Deville
Head Teacher