Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

The main school site is at

Start of the New Term

Dear parents,

School opens again for pupils in year 1 to year 6 on Monday 9th September 2013. We look forward to seeing you then.

Class Teachers for September 2013


NURSERY                 Miss Baker

RECEPTION              Miss Matinez (new to our school)
                        Miss Avery
                         Mrs Whellams
YEAR ONE               Miss Morris and Mrs Riordan
                       Mr. Cheung (new to our school)                                
                                   Mrs. Van Der Mer
YEAR TWO               Miss Walshe
                        Mrs. Ahmed & Mrs. Field
                        Miss Hennessy (new to our school)

YEAR THREE          Mrs. O’Hara
                                   Miss Huntley

YEAR FOUR             Mrs. Macleod
                                    Mr. Johnson

YEAR FIVE               Mrs. Ige (new to our school)
                                    Miss Richards

YEAR SIX                 Mrs. Cole
                                   Miss Lipman
                                   Miss Gordon (new to our school)






Final letter

23rd July 2013
Dear parents,


As the end of another busy year draws to a close I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and co-operation this year, which is invaluable.

This letter has some key information you will need for the start of the new academic year in September.

There will be new members of staff joining us next year, a list of year group teachers for September 2013 is attached.
We will be saying a tearful good-bye to Mrs. Caldwell, who has been with us for thirteen years. She has been a valuable member of our team and will be sorely missed by staff and children alike. She is moving to Shropshire and will be taking up a new post in a school there but she has promised to come and visit us soon.

There have been many highlights across the year such as the day Michael Rosen visited our school, range of concerts, sporting achievements and the DSC concert at the Broadway theatre in Barking. I am sure your child will have some of their own highlights to remember this year by.

Over the holidays there will be new play equipment installed in our playgrounds, but nothing as extensive as last summer, which I am sure your children will enjoy when they come back.

We do wish all of our Year 6 pupils well and we will miss them all, as they all have been wonderful ambassadors for our school. We have got to know them all very well, and are very proud of the confident, creative and capable young people they are today, as I am sure their parents are too.

The school will start again on Monday 9th September at normal times. All children will be shown to the halls where they will meet their new teachers and new classes.

Also attached are the term dates for the next academic year.

I wish you and your families a happy and enjoyable holiday and I look forward to seeing you all again in September.

Take care of yourselves.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Lipski,
Head Teacher


18th July 2013
Dear Parents/ Guardians,


FOR YEAR 6 PUPILS ONLY:             Tuesday 23rd July at 12pm
NURSERY PUPILS:                            Tuesday 23rd July normal times
FOR RECEPTION TO YEAR 5:          Wednesday 24th July at 2pm 
CLASS PARTIES                                 Tuesday 23rd July ( see class teachers for more details)


On Friday 19th July, children have had an opportunity to visit their new classrooms for September.
They have also met some of the teachers for their new classes and had an opportunity to ask questions about what it will be like in the next year group. Until class lists for September are finalized (still have new pupils joining) we won’t be able to let your child know who their teacher will be until September, but they will know what teachers will be teaching that year group.
Also we will be looking at all year groups to ensure classes are balanced and where they are not these will be split by the class teachers before September.
The one class that will not be split is 1M, who will remain as a class and their teacher will still be Miss Walsh in September, as she only started with them in June of this year.


Before you buy any uniform for next September please ensure it is the correct uniform (on reverse of this letter)
Key points:     

·         Polo shirts MUST have Parsloes motif

·         Sweatshirts or cardigans MUST have Parsloes motif

·         Tailored school trousers only

·         NO LEGGINGS under skirts or dresses that can be seen.

·         NO brightly coloured trainers or shoes must be black, grey, or red.

·         NO bags other than school backpack or book bag.

·         Black or grey jogging bottoms only for PE outside (when the weather is cold) otherwise all children must have a RED pair of PE shorts

Yours sincerely

Mrs. Lipski
Head Teacher

Class Photos 2013

10th July 2013
Dear Parents/ Guardians,


A couple of weeks ago all pupils had their photos taken as a class. The class photos are currently on our screens so you can see for yourselves how much more exciting they are.
They will shortly be available to purchase via the school office.

This year we have managed to secure a favorable deal, where a standard 9"x6" picture with mount will cost you only £5

If you would like any of these photographs, please complete the slip below and return to the school office, with your payment by Wednesday 17th July, so that we make sure you get them before the end of term.

Thank you for your co-operation

Yours sincerely

Mrs. Lipski
Head Teacher

Sports Days 2013

8th July 2013
Dear Parents/ Guardians,

The Shortcrofts entrance gate will be opened a few minutes before the start time and then closed once the events begin, so please arrive on time.
You can also come in through the main gate in Spurling Road.
NURSERY                  Tuesday 16th July 11am (for nursery am children) and 2.30pm ( for nursery pm children)                       In the Infant playground

YEARS 1, 2 & 3         Thursday 18th July     9.30am to 10.45      In the Junior Playground

YEARS 4, 5 &6         Thursday 18th July     1.45pm to 3.00          In the Junior Playground

RECEPTION              Monday 22nd July 9.30am to 10.30

                                    In the Infant Playground

 There will be some races for parents to enter so if you’re feeling energetic then please make sure you put your trainers on!
All children need to bring in their P.E kit, trainers or plimsolls and a hat so please make sure they come to school with the correct equipment. Refreshments will be provided on the day for the children.

If it is raining we will have to cancel these.

If there are any queries then please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher. Thank you for your help and support in this matter.

Yours sincerely
Mrs. Lipski
Head Teacher