Welcome to our school blog

The school blog is our on-line portal which features the latest news about the school and an events diary for the school.

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Book Fair

10th March 2010

Dear parents,

Friday 12th March until Wednesday 17th March 2010

Our termly book fair, which is open after school, will start on Friday 12th March and finish on Wednesday 17th March.

On Thursday 11th March, the book fair will be in the Nursery all day, so nursery children’s parents can come along then.

After school from Thursday 11th March to Wednesday 17th March , it will be located in the school library

so please enter through the library door located in the Junior playground ( not through the main school office).

Mrs. Waller is organising this so if you have any questions please let her know.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher

Updated Behaviour Systems

5th March 2010

Dear parents,
Following our re-launch of our Houses, we have also updated our reward and consequence systems across the school.

The following information outlines our revised procedures. If you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Reward System

Rewards are House Points, which all children from nursery to year 6 can receive. House points will be given for the following :

A- Acts of kindness towards others

B - Being ready to learn/ good work

T - Teamwork

D - Displaying good manners

E - Environment/Taking care of our school

F - Following direct instructions

On the chart in the classroom these will be recorded with the letter referring to the reason why house point is being awarded to a child.

Houses that receive the most house points over the half term for one of the above mentioned reasons will be rewarded.

We will continue to reward the boy and girl who receives the highest number of house points each week.

We will also award a House cup to the house with the most points at the end of the half term.

Consequence System.

Foundation Stage

This will be on going over one week.

1. Reminder. (Warn the child of the rule being broken)
2. Caution ‘time out’ in own class.
3. ‘Time Out’ in another Class.
4. CHARGED (Miss ‘outdoor play’.)

If behaviour has not improved following the above three steps this could lead to having to spend some of the day in another class.

Years 1 to 3 Consequence System.

Everyday the child will start at the beginning with a reminder.

However if they get charged ( step 4) this will stay with them for the half term.

1. REMINDER. (Reminder of school rules)
2. WARNING: Time out in own class.
3. TIME OUT: This will be in another Class.
4. CHARGED : This means missing 5 minutes of their playtime

Years 4 to 6 Consequence System

If a child receives a Charge this will remain with them for the half term

1. WARNING: Reminder of rule
2. TIME OUT: In another class.
3. APOLOGISE: On return to own class the child must apologise and have reflected on their behaviour
4. CHARGED : This means missing 10 minutes of playtime or lunchtime

Parents will be informed by the class teacher if their child has received a ‘charge’ and the consequences of this.

Receiving three Charges in a half term could lead to 3 day class exclusion.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. A. Lipski

Head Teacher